Our 3D Model Designer is a free and easy-to-use application that allows you to create complex 3D models using a simple 2D image-based editing approach. Using a combination of simple tools for creating shapes, text, and importing images, which, when combined with layers, allows you to create complex 3D models that are great for creating detailed 3D models for 3D printing or for editing in your favorite 3D modeling application.
This setting allows you to specify how your image is converted to a 3D model. The Extrude options will extrude your image into 3D space, while the Standard options will apply a heightmap process to your image.
For more information, please see the 3D Model Designer Features section below.
When your image file has a transparent background, this option can instruct the tool on how to treat the transparency, with the transparency converted to either black or white.
For more information, please see the 3D Model Designer Features section below.
This setting, which is only available for heightmap elements, can be used to set the color of the heightmap.
For more information, please see the 3D Model Designer Features section below.
When this option is enabled, the tool will automatically attempt to make the background of your image transparent.
For more information, please see the 3D Model Designer Features section below.
Manually specify your image background color rather than our tool trying to automatically work it out.
For more information, please see the 3D Model Designer Features section below.
If the tool is unable to identify the background and you know the background color, you can specify it here.
For more information, please see the 3D Model Designer Features section below.
This value can be adjusted to control the background removal tolerance. The higher the value, the more background is removed.
A higher value is useful for creating smoother results if your image is anti-aliased.
For more information, please see the 3D Model Designer Features section below.
This option controls how this element affects other elements. When Add is selected, the element is included along with any other elements in the scene. When Subtract is selected, this elements geometry will be removed from any elements it may intersect with.
The 3D scenes you create can be saved and downloaded as an ITSP project file, allowing you to load and edit your 3D scene at a later time. You can also export the scene you create to a variety of 3D formats, allowing seamless integration with 3D printing software and other 3D editing applications.
With our 3D model designer, you can create complex 3D objects using a simple set of tools. Here are some of the designer's features, as well as how to fine-tune the configuration properties of each tool:
The Select Tool allows you to select, move, rotate, and scale an object on the drawing canvas by simply selecting it and using the various buttons to manipulate the object.
There is also a configuration button in the top-left corner of the selected object that allows access to the different configuration properties that control how the object is rendered. Common settings such as Depth, Fill, Background and more can be set from here. All the available object properties are listed below in more detail.
Text can be added to your 3D scene by simply clicking the Text button in the toolbar. Once clicked, some sample "Hello World!" text will be added to the canvas, which can then be edited by clicking the configuration button at the top-left of the newly placed text. The text can be changed by editing the Text field within the configuration panel. Other properties, such as Font, Size, Italic and Bold can be adjusted to alter the appearance of your text.
ImageToSTL Text in the Permanent Marker font
The text is inverted by changing its fill and background colors
A 3D preview of the text
Creating inverted text is simple. With normal text, the background is set to Transparent. To invert the text, you can simply set the background color to the color you wish the background to be and set the Fill color to Transparent. There are also options to apply padding around the text and rounded corners to the inverted text, as we did in the example above.
To create solid-filled circles, use the Circle Tool. Once added to the drawing canvas, the radius of the circle and other common properties can be set by clicking the configuration button.
A circle with a radius of 75 mm
The circle is stretched to create an oval
A 3D preview of the circle
The Rectangle Tool is used to create solid-filled rectangles. When added to the canvas, the Width and Height and other common properties can be set by clicking the configuration button. Also available on the properties panel is the option named "Rounded Corners" which allows you to specify if the edges of the rectangle are to be rounded. Separate values can be specified for each corner.
A 150mm x 100mm rectangle
The rectangle rotated right by 40 degrees
A 3D preview of the rectangle
With the Free Drawing option, you can create 3D shapes by drawing on the canvas with a brush. The brush thickness and fill color are both configurable from the configuration panel on the right-hand side.
Once you have finished drawing, you can click the Finish button to complete the drawing, which can then be selected and modified in the same way as other canvas elements.
A freehand sketch
The sketch rotated to the right
A 3D preview of the sketch
The Insert Image button allows you to upload an image in either PNG or JPG format, which will then be added to the canvas. Once the image has been selected, there are options to remove the background from your image and also to specify whether to Extrude the image or treat it as a Heightmap.
A swirl image file
The image with its background removed
The extruded image with a depth of 15mm
If the image you upload does not have a transparent background, then the Insert Image tool contains the option to remove the background and replace it with transparency. You can either manually specify what the background color is or leave it to the tool to figure out. There is a Tolerance setting that governs how close a color needs to be to the selected background color before it is removed.
Like most 2D image applications, layers are supported within our 3D designer and are used to stack items on top of each other in 3D space. This makes it easy to create things like 3D printable fridge magnets, keyrings, and much more.
The layers section allows for the addition and reordering of layers. Each layer will automatically adjust its Z position in 3D space to fit the object with the highest Depth setting. For more advanced purposes, you can also manually set the Z position.
Layer 1 consisting of some inverted text
Layer 2 contains an extruded swirl image
The full Swirltime design preview
In the example above, we have some inverted text on "Layer 1". This text has a large amount of spacing or padding above and a small amount below and to the left and right. Rounded corners have also been specified. For "Layer 2" we have the swirl image used previously, and as "Layer 2" is above "Layer 1", it sits on top, as can be seen in the 3D preview on the right.
Yes. On the configuration panel for all objects is a Rendering dropdown setting. By changing this from "Add" to "Subtract", the shape of the object will be removed from any object it may overlap with.
If you create a text object, you can then change its background color to any non-transparent color and then set its fill color to transparent to achieve inverted text.
Yes. In the bottom-left of the main designer window is a configuration cog button. Clicking this brings up the global configuration settings, and on there you will find the options to enable Snap to Grid and to also specify the snap size.
On the Save panel, there is the option to save your design as an ITSP file, which can then be downloaded and used at a later data.
© 2025 ImageToStl. Convert your PNG and JPG Files to 3D STL files.