File InformationPCD ToolsSample PCD FilesLatest News

PCD (Point Cloud Library)

Full NamePoint Cloud Library
Type3D Model/Point Cloud
Mime Typeapplication/octet-stream
FormatText & Binary
ToolsPCD Converters, 3D Model Voxelizer, Create PCD Animation, Compress PCD, Text to PCD, PCD Viewer

PCD files are a Point Cloud 3D format created to enable high-speed loading and saving of Point Cloud data to either a text-based format or a compressed binary format.

The format can be either text-based or binary. In the text format, point coordinates are stored on a single line with an option color value. The file contains a header section that defines the data fields that are present in both text and binary formats.

Sample PCD Files

Here we have some example PCD files for you to download and use in your own projects.



A cloud shaped 3D point cloud model in the PCD format. This point cloud consists of roughly 20,000 points.

cloud.pcd (148.75kb)

Videogame Monster

Videogame Monster

A video game character shaped 3D point cloud model in the PCD format. This point cloud consists of roughly 600 points.

videogame-monster.pcd (3.21kb)

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