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3D File Viewer and Other Updates

Date: February 18, 2023

We have made an updated 3D File Viewer for all 3D model viewing pages and also our other 2D to 3D tools where previews are available. The new 3D File Viewer contains simple camera controls to allow rotating and zooming in and out of the uploaded 3D model. In addition to these controls, there are options to control the model render color, and there is also a wireframe rendering mode.

3D viewer

Saving Your Preview

Along with the preview camera and viewing controls already mentioned, there is also a Save Image button that will let you download and save a screenshot of your 3D model. This option will save your 3D model in the PNG image format, and with the default background settings, it will enable you to save with a transparent background or any other color you may have set within the viewer using the Set background color option.

Other Updates

Along with the new 3D viewer, we have been busy fixing bugs and improving our various conversion tools. Here are just some of the many updates completed in recent weeks:

  • OBJ file parsing is now more reliable and tolerant of invalid geometry values such as NaN.
  • PLY and PTX Point Cloud formats have better parsing of text-formatted data.
  • All 3D model to animated GIF and MP4 converters now have a choice of 2 camera modes: Perspective and Orthographic.
  • Adoption of a more compact and faster 3D file preview format. We used the 3MF format previously for rendering 3D model previews within the browser; this has now been replaced with a custom binary format. This means previews download and render faster.

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