Format Berkas | Nama lengkap | Alat |
AVIF | AV1 Image File Format | AVIF Pengonversi |
BMP | Bitmap Image File | BMP Pengonversi |
CUR | Microsoft Cursor Icon | CUR Pengonversi |
DCM | Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) | DCM Pengonversi |
DDS | DirectDraw Surface | DDS Pengonversi |
DPX | Digital Picture Exchange | DPX Pengonversi |
EXR | OpenEXR | EXR Pengonversi |
FAX | Group 3 FAX | FAX Pengonversi |
GIF | Graphics Interchange Format | GIF Pengonversi |
HDR | Radiance RGBE | HDR Pengonversi |
HEIC | High Efficiency Image File Format | HEIC Pengonversi |
HEIF | High Efficiency Image File Format | HEIF Pengonversi |
ICO | Icon | ICO Pengonversi |
JFI | Joint Photographic Experts Group | JFI Pengonversi |
JFIF | Joint Photographic Experts Group | JFIF Pengonversi |
JP2 | JPEG-2000 | JP2 Pengonversi |
JPEG | Joint Photographic Experts Group | JPEG Pengonversi |
JPG | Joint Photographic Experts Group | JPG Pengonversi |
KTX | Khronos Texture | KTX Pengonversi |
PBM | Portable bitmap | PBM Pengonversi |
PCX | Picture Exchange | PCX Pengonversi |
PFM | Portable float map | PFM Pengonversi |
PGM | Portable graymap format | PGM Pengonversi |
PICT | QuickDraw/PICT | PICT Pengonversi |
PNG | Portable Network Graphics | PNG Pengonversi |
PNM | Portable anymap | PNM Pengonversi |
PPM | Portable pixmap format | PPM Pengonversi |
PSB | Adobe Photoshop | PSB Pengonversi |
PSD | Adobe Photoshop | PSD Pengonversi |
QOI | Quite OK Image Format | QOI Pengonversi |
RGB | Raw red, green, and blue | RGB Pengonversi |
RGBA | Raw red, green, blue, and alpha | RGBA Pengonversi |
SGI | Irix RGB | SGI Pengonversi |
SUN | SUN Rasterfile | SUN Pengonversi |
TGA | Truevision TGA | TGA Pengonversi |
TIF | Tag Image File Format | TIF Pengonversi |
TIFF | Tag Image File Format | TIFF Pengonversi |
UYVY | Interleaved YUV | UYVY Pengonversi |
WBMP | Wireless bitmap | WBMP Pengonversi |
WEBP | WebP | WEBP Pengonversi |
WPG | Word Perfect Graphics | WPG Pengonversi |
XBM | X Windows system bitmap | XBM Pengonversi |
XCF | GIMP - eXperimental Computing Facility | XCF Pengonversi |
XPM | X Windows system pixmap | XPM Pengonversi |
XWD | X Windows system window dump | XWD Pengonversi |
YUV | CCIR 601 | YUV Pengonversi |
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